Since 2010, Zac Miller has been teaching geospatial classes ranging from focuses on software processing to data collection at the University of North Georgia (UNG). A program offered at UNG, The Lewis F. Rogers Institute for Environmental and Spatial Analysis (IESA), promotes environmental and geospatial interdisciplinary education with advanced technology and collaborative learning. Students at IESA can take courses on remote sensing, digital image processing and most recently surveying. The objective is for students to take terrestrial classes and aero geomatic classes, learn to collect data in the field, and turn it into a finished product.
Miller attended the TrueView reveal conference in Nashville in 2019 and was very interested in the TrueView system.
“I looked at comparable systems, but the cost was twice the price. GeoCue being local combined with pricing and lack of funding made the decision," said Miller.
Mapping the Campus – TrueView 410 3DIS
IESA aims to create a bank of labs and tasks that focus on all aspects of aerial data collection. From surveying basic topography to volume analysis and forestry use. Currently, they have completed many flights to map the entire campus with their TrueView 410 3DIS. Every few weeks, the students have a goal of creating a different output per project flight (i.e., ortho, DEM, contours).
The above project was completed with several flights over two days to measure how many flights would be needed to map the entire campus. The goal for fall 2021 was to have a different output per mapping project. By creating interest in ongoing data collection, students can get familiar with handing in a project with varying production needs.
TrueView Beyond the Classroom
The faculty have also expressed interest in the TrueView system. With its dual camera capability, they see the benefit in aerial photos from a maintenance standpoint. Collected ortho photos can show areas of the campus that need attention, including inspections on tops of buildings which can help mitigate costly upkeep.
Miller added, “If surveyors and engineers are adapting this method of data collection for topos, it’s good to invest in this technology. In this industry, students need skills that are in demand. By learning and familiarising themselves with new technology, students will have the skills they need to stay competitive in the workforce.”